Climate change threatens the world economy

A report on climate change and its consequences for the world economy is published today. The report was written primarily by former World Bank chief economist Mr. Nicholas Stern.

Picture 1 of Climate change threatens the world economy

The report says climate change creates negative effects

That content says that climate change creates the most negative and large-scale effects on the global economy and will really be worth it if you don't spend money right now to avoid a catastrophic disaster later on.


Mr. Nicholas Stern is a former chief economist at the World Bank and with his credibility what he said in the report must have had a significant impact.

His report recommends that if we do not act immediately to cope with climate change, we can create economic and social consequences at the same level as two. Great World War in the last century.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the report was a wake-up call for countries around the world. He said the world was facing a catastrophic climax if it did not act in a timely manner: "I think the report marks an important milestone for the struggle against climate change." .

Picture 2 of Climate change threatens the world economy

Nicholas Stern said the world must act now

To avoid this devastating effect, economies around the world must act decisively. That is, we have to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted by up to three-quarters within 45 years from now.

All deforestation activities need to be stopped and money must be allocated to research and development projects for alternative energy sources.

The report says the cost of doing these things only takes about 1% of global GDP, but if you don't count on climate change, ultimately the cost of the economy will be huge. The British government has confirmed that it will consider a series of levies to reduce CO2 emissions.

But the main message of this report is that global action is needed to address this global problem.