Cloud hole resembles two flying saucers in the English sky

Two large cloud holes near each other like flying saucers in the sky surprised many British people.

Residents of Dorset County, England, were surprised to see a strange cloud like a flying saucer above West Bay, Dorset on the afternoon of October 25, Long Room reported. This rare phenomenon is called a fallstreak hole , caused by an airplane and is often mistaken for alien spacecraft.

Picture 1 of Cloud hole resembles two flying saucers in the English sky
Two large cloud holes in the sky in the county of Dorset, England.(Photo: SWNS).

Len Copeland, a 55-year-old photographer, took a series of cloudy photos when he caught everyone around him raising his phone to the sky."There are two circular UFO clouds. The scene is really strange. One of the clouds disappears, then the Sun appears behind. No one knows what they are , " Copeland said.

A spokesman for the British Meteorological Agency, identified the phenomenon as cloud holes. The characteristic of the cloud hole is a circular sky surrounded by thin clouds. Sometimes, the cloud hole can spread 50 kilometers within an hour after it appears.

The cloud hole occurs when the water temperature in the cloud is lower than the freezing point, but the water is not frozen due to the lack of ice seeds. When ice seeds form rapidly, it causes a chain effect when water droplets bind to the crystal. They become heavier and begin to fall suddenly, creating a large hole in the cloud.

Slow motion cloud scene.(Video: Vimeo).

Thin clouds that appear around the clouds are particles of falling water. Flying planes are said to be the cause of cloud holes. The pressure drop caused by the aircraft's propeller or propulsion causes rapid cooling of the air. Rainbows sometimes come with cloud holes because light is refracted from water droplets.