Virtual cloud holes in Australia sky

Large gaps between high clouds, or cloud phenomenon, are observed in some areas of Victoria.

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Picture 1 of Virtual cloud holes in Australia sky
The phenomenon of cloud holes appears in Gippsland area, eastern Victoria, from about 3pm on November 3.

Picture 2 of Virtual cloud holes in Australia sky
A cloud hole is a large gap that appears between high clouds like cirrus clouds or middle clouds in the sky.

Picture 3 of Virtual cloud holes in Australia sky
When a part of the cloud begins to freeze, the ice crystals begin to fall and create holes, usually circular, in the cloud.

Picture 4 of Virtual cloud holes in Australia sky
The disturbance in the cloud layer due to external factors can affect the chain evaporation effect, causing water vapor to freeze and fall, creating a large gap in the cloud.

Picture 5 of Virtual cloud holes in Australia sky
According to scientists, this is a relatively rare phenomenon.Since cloud holes are rarely present, this phenomenon can be mistaken for an unidentified flying object (UFO).

Picture 6 of Virtual cloud holes in Australia sky
Colored reflecting cloud holes appear in the sky of Trafalgar town.

Picture 7 of Virtual cloud holes in Australia sky
The image of cloud holes is observed by local people from the area between the towns of Leongatha and Korumburra.