'Coconut Skull Girl' in Nigeria passed away on Christmas day

Once again, fate did not smile at the girl living in the pot. Leaving behind many unfinished dreams, she passed away on Christmas holidays, making people feel sad.

A year ago, the story of a girl living in a pot with strange disease took away the tears of millions of people around the world. Still thinking with strong energy, she will fulfill her simple wishes. But recently, photographer Sani Maikatanga, who photographed the girl a year ago, posted on her profile that Tragic Rahma Haruna died on Sunday, December 25.

Picture 1 of 'Coconut Skull Girl' in Nigeria passed away on Christmas day
Tragic Rahma Haruna died on Sunday, December 25.

When born, Haruna (Lahdin Makole village, Kano state, northern Nigeria) is as healthy and healthy as any other child. But by the age of 6 months, after fever and abdominal pain, her limbs were shrunk and could not grow anymore, the first part still developed normally. Since then, the girl has to live in the small form of an infant, all activities are associated with a narrow plastic basin.

Picture 2 of 'Coconut Skull Girl' in Nigeria passed away on Christmas day
The girl must live in the small form of an infant, all activities are associated with a narrow plastic basin.

Although the family is in difficult circumstances, Haruna's family still tries to cure her. However, many doctors and specialists cannot cure this strange disease.

Picture 3 of 'Coconut Skull Girl' in Nigeria passed away on Christmas day
Although the family is in difficult circumstances, Haruna's family still tries to cure her.

Picture 4 of 'Coconut Skull Girl' in Nigeria passed away on Christmas day

Picture 5 of 'Coconut Skull Girl' in Nigeria passed away on Christmas day
Beyond the fate, the 19-year-old girl is always full of optimism and belief in life.

Picture 6 of 'Coconut Skull Girl' in Nigeria passed away on Christmas day
Her strong energy made many people unable to hold back tears.

Beyond the fate, the 19-year-old girl is always full of optimism and belief in life. She has a small dream of opening a shop, where she sells all the things people need. Her strong energy made many people unable to hold back tears.