Confused about the sexual assault, the tyranny of Roman times

Rome is a decadent empire, racist Romans ... are somewhat outrageous thoughts about this great empire.

Rome is a decadent empire, racist Romans . are somewhat outrageous thoughts about this great empire.

Rome is one of the greatest empires of mankind, stretching tens of thousands of miles across European territory. This empire has left many precious legacies of religion, architecture, philosophy, science . but for many different reasons, there are completely false stories about this empire that we still believe. is true .

1. Rome is a decadent empire

When it comes to Rome, many people will often remember the perverted, violent images in modern movies. Therefore, most modern people still imagine the ancient Romans are only rapists, sex addicts, decadent, immoral.

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Many people believe that the ancient Romans were only rapists, sex addicts, decadent, immoral

The movies are also true because at that time, the Romans were all very comfortable and openly discussing sex. They can talk about it in public places, during meals, even when coming to a sacred and supreme place like a church or a place of worship.

The Romans were very realistic, they regarded love as a normal physiological activity and it was necessary to satisfy it as a daily meal. They even held a festival of worshiping Venus.

At these festivals, Roman boys and girls were comfortable dating and making love according to voluntary parties.

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But the Romans were certainly not decadent or immoral. Despite their sexuality, they respect the law very much. Women protection policies are effectively implemented and anyone who commits rape will be executed.

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The Romans built condoms from cloth and animal skins to protect their health. This ancient civilization was so advanced that they supported gay marriage and considered it a normal, healthy sexual trend. Therefore, this empire lasted for 12 centuries, along with that, the Romans created a multitude of inventions, high-end art works that are still valuable lessons for modern people.

2. Soliciting for tyrants

Nero is one of the Roman emperors who is considered a tyrant because of extreme cruelty. Historically recorded books he had killed his mother - Agrippina, and Octavia's first wife to be married to his new wife. Later, Nero killed his brother, killed his teacher and was a famous philosopher Seneca.

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And yet, the tyrant was also condemned with the action of burning the whole Roman city for fun in 64 and casually playing the instrument when the people were burned by red fire. It was Nero who set fire to Rome but he completely blamed this on Christian people. Therefore, thousands of Christian people were starved to death and burned.

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Many documents state that the tyrant Nero is extremely brutal, he is willing to throw thousands of people into the Colosseum arena to be a prey for lions.

The most prominent of Nero is the story that he brutally threw thousands of people into the Colosseum arena to be a lion's prey. Christian believers will be braved, taken as test subjects for the perverted, cruel tortures in the prestigious arena. This grisly story is recorded in religious texts, portrayed in many famous books but certainly not true.

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The reason is that at this time, the Roman arena is still under construction, until the year 80 under King Titus, this great architecture was officially completed. Therefore, the grisly, bloody stories of Nero's emperor and the Roman arena are completely untrue.

3. Romans are racist

Many famous films about Roman times such as Spartacus, Gladiator . and many books and books describe Rome's ruling class as white people and blacks suffer from poor slavery, beatings , torture.

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Many people believe that the Romans were only brutal, brutal white people

But the Roman empire is a harmonious chord of colors, stretching from North Africa to West Asia, Europe, including pushing enough blacks, yellows, and whites. And then, the Romans had absolutely no preconceived notions about skin color that influenced their own progress or value.

Unlike the Greek empire, the Roman empire only captured the lands they conquered and obeyed the laws of Rome's tax and not changed their origins and customs.

Slavery existed in Rome but slaves consisted of both blacks and whites. The slave trade is an economic element in life and has nothing to do with racism. Even in trading sessions, people still praised the black slaves for their majesty and respect for the blond and blue-eyed slaves of Greeks.

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Image of King Macrinus

The best evidence of fairness in Roman civilization is that in the history of this empire there were two African kings, Severus and Macrinus. King Severus was a Libyan citizen - the land was then a colony of Rome.

But after only a few years, he continuously promoted and held many important positions, becoming the great Roman emperor. The other king - Marcinus also came from a poor class but with talent and charity, he was still supported by the people to become the head of the country.

Update 18 December 2018



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