Contact lenses for diabetes

In the past, diabetics had to check their blood sugar levels by taking blood samples. However, when the insulin levels are elevated, not only the blood glucose levels increase, but even in the tears and urine increases.

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Jun Hu, a chemist at the University of Akron in Ohio, has developed a contact lens that can detect blood glucose fluctuations in the most accurate way without the need for routine testing.

Glasses coated with chemicals will react by changing colors when the patient's blood sugar rises. Similar to pH paper in chemical laboratories.

Picture 1 of Contact lenses for diabetes
Contact lenses can detect the amount of sugar
in the blood when blood insulin levels are too high

Patients can monitor their blood glucose levels by using a phone that has a good imaging function and captures their eyes. Just one of two contact lenses containing chemical reactants with Glucoze is enough to recognize the difference in color of the eyes. This makes it easy for people to control their blood sugar levels if there is any abnormality in color.

The amount of chemicals contained in the contact lenses is very small, so patients feel comfortable as they are using normal contact lenses. At the same time, it does not interfere with the vision of the eye, said Jun Hu, a chemist at Ohio State University in Akron.

References: Livescience