'Magical' contact lenses are capable of detecting diabetes

Scientists have invented a type of contact lenses that can measure blood sugar without using medical needles.

At the present time, this specimen has only been tested on rabbits - and it is unclear whether it can accurately measure our blood sugar by tear alone. However, if successful, it will be a very good news for diabetic patients.

This type of glass is made of flexible, transparent material used as regular contact lenses. Inside it, these researchers have integrated micro electronic devices, including an LED bulb and a glucose concentration sensor. If the glucose level reaches a certain level, the bright LED bulb will turn off to alert the owner - extract the article in Science Advances.

Picture 1 of 'Magical' contact lenses are capable of detecting diabetes
This type of glass is made of flexible, transparent material used as regular contact lenses.

The development team, led by Mr. Jang-Ung Park of Korea's Ulsan National Academy of Science and Technology, tested contact lenses using artificial tears with sugar to simulate the concentration. Low glucose is in the 'tears'. They have also applied it to rabbits: LED bulbs continue to light until they are sprayed with glucose solution to the eye - soon the LED has turned off as intended. This type of glass has not been tested on humans and human tears.

This device is the latest attempt to create a tool that can control blood sugar levels. Although the team's results were impressive, though, John L. Smith, a former Scientific Director of glucose monitoring division of world-famous pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson, said that the results The results of unreliable tear glucose measurements are prescribed for people with diabetes. 'This is an unconvincing way to measure blood sugar , ' said Mr. Smith. 'And blood glucose levels are something you have to be very careful about, or you will put patients in critical condition'.

Picture 2 of 'Magical' contact lenses are capable of detecting diabetes
The team behind the contact lens miraculously.

Currently there are more than 30 million Americans suffering from the disease - the disease causes a high concentration of glucose in the blood. To avoid dangerously high levels of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, diabetics must always monitor their diet and sometimes have insulin injections. That's why measuring blood sugar is important.'These people are putting their lives into these measurement methods,' Smith said.

Currently, there are two solutions, which are to take blood from the hand or needle under the skin to measure glucose in the body. Both are uncomfortable, which is why many companies are trying to pursue a new way of doing things for decades. There are many names involved in this revolution, including Google, but no one has succeeded.

Picture 3 of 'Magical' contact lenses are capable of detecting diabetes
Check diabetes in the traditional way.

Smith further confirmed that the concentration of glucose in tears is not sufficiently compatible with blood glucose levels. According to research from the 1980s: after testing over 100 patients, 'blood glucose levels and tears do not show any close association'. 'This is a very, very difficult and difficult problem,' said Mr. Smith.

The other scientists are collaborating with a hospital for clinical trials, according to a statement in their email. But until we verify the effectiveness of this new contact lens for humans, the journey to find a way to monitor blood glucose levels is still very long!