Controversy over the display of prehistoric Lucy in America

The exhibition of prehistoric Lucy of the family Australopithecus today (August 31) at the Museum of Natural Science in Houston, Texas (USA) was controversial.

Ethiopia, where the famous skeleton dating back 3.2 million years was discovered in 1974, and the scientific community is concerned that this rare fossil may be broken when displayed throughout the United States within 6 year.

Natural Science Museum officials insist that the display will help to understand the history of humanity and Ethiopia's role as a human cradle."We will ensure safety for Lucy," said Dirk Van Tuerenhout, Houston Museum manager.

Picture 1 of Controversy over the display of prehistoric Lucy in America

Lucy prehistoric fossils are on display at the Addis Ababa Museum, Ethiopia
(Photo: Flickr)

Famous ancient anthropologist Richard Leakey said that the Houston Museum took advantage of Lucy to profit. More than 2,000 tickets were sold at a special price of US $ 21.50 / ticket.

Opponents argue that the display of Lucy in Houston violated the agreement signed in 1998 by UNESCO with the confirmation of scientists from 20 countries. This organization recommends that no fossils be removed from the original country.

Famous American museums have definitely refused to exhibit Lucy prehistoric fossils.

Picture 2 of Controversy over the display of prehistoric Lucy in America
Lucy prehistoric fossil bone fragments (Photo: sciencecentric)
