Cure the first nose

An elderly woman walked into the doctor's office and mentioned a rather delicate problem.

- I am loyal throughout the day, Dr. John. Since I came here, I have hit 20 shots already. But the strange thing is that they rarely make a sound, and never smell. What should I do?

The respectable doctor listened with an enduring expression on his face. Then he replied:

- This is a prescription, Mrs. Harris. Take 3 capsules a day for 7 days and then return to see me in a week.

The following week, Mrs. Harris entered the clinic again with a worried face.

- Doctor, I don't know what is in the pills, but my illness is worse. I still beat as much as I used to, but now they smell like they can't stand it. What can you say?

- Calm down, Mrs. Harris - The doctor gently interrupted - So I have cured her nose. Now we can start to treat the disease you require.


Watch the pot, watch the direction

The daughter, before going home to her husband, was told by her mother: " On the side, I have to keep the mind, watch the pot, sit and watch the direction I hear you ".

Her daughter obeys. But in less than a month, the girl complained to the girl:

- Before your child comes to this side, don't you give me any instructions?

The girl said:

- Why not, sister! I told him to be careful that " eat and watch, watch and watch ", sister.

The sui boy slapped his hand on his lap saying:

- I knew that! When eating, it always considers which pot is good to eat. While sitting at the table, it chose which direction to have more food to sit.


Lack of substance

The two good old friends met each other, one said: " I look like you are sick, you seem to have a lack of calcium. You should see a doctor ."

- No, I'm sick. Why do you tell me I lack calcium?

- That's strange, so why has your adulterous wife been a long time and haven't seen you horny?

- ???