Czech invents 'smart' trash can with non-contact chip

According to a reporter in Prague, to help public agencies reduce waste collection and waste sorting, Gaben in the city of Ostrava in the Czech Republic invented the "smart" non-contact chip (chip).

The Gabin company has proposed using non-contact IC technology for the garbage bin, said Each bin was fitted with a small chip to help build a system of garbage collection in the city. In this way, garbage is always collected at the right time and no trash is missed.

Picture 1 of Czech invents 'smart' trash can with non-contact chip
Recycling bins in the Czech Republic. (Source:

Gabe's chief executive, Jakub Unuska, said that because the chip was attached to a trash can, the garbage collector would read the information while the garbage from the container was dumped into the car. In addition, this chip helps locate the garbage can by location and measure the amount of garbage.

Gaben says the use of this technology reduces the number of complaints and benefits the people.

In the Czech Republic, only the Gaben company produces chips for the "smart" bin with a capacity of 200 million units a year. The company started producing "smart" trash from 2012, initially tested in Mikulov.

Currently this type of trash has appeared in other major cities of the Czech Republic.