Dangerous dust causes DNA alteration and many labeling problems

Environmental pollution, especially air pollution has long been warned. It can be said, this is a problem in almost all major cities in the world.

Find out how dangerous the PM 1.0 ultrafine dust is - enough to knock down many of the ingredients in our bodies.

Environmental pollution, especially air pollution has long been warned. It can be said, this is a problem in almost all major cities in the world.

Many studies have shown that significant harms of air pollution will have a major impact on human health.

And recently, fine dust monitoring results have recently discovered fine dust PM 1.0 (1 1m in size), even nano dust (≤ 0.1µm). This dust can overcome any barrier of dust in the respiratory system, block the oxygen exchange holes in the alveoli, affect the DNA structure.

So what is PM 1.0 ultra-fine dust, and how dangerous are they? Let's go find the answer.

What is PM 1.0 ultra-fine dust?

First, you need to know, PM 1.0 dust is liquid, or solid particles floating in the air.

Scientists used PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 1.0 indexes to show the standard content of liquid, solid particles floating in 1m 3 of air.

Picture 1 of Dangerous dust causes DNA alteration and many labeling problems

PM dust illustration 1 baby like human, PM 2.5 is as big as an elephant and PM 10 is "giant" like a whale.

And PM 1.0 ultrafine dust, simple to understand:

  • The word PM stands for English word - Particulate Matter, meaning a substance in a particle (solid or liquid).
  • Number 1.0 refers to the size of particles with a diameter less than or equal to 1 micrometer (micron abbreviated µm, equal to 1 millionth of a meter).

Similarly, PM 10, PM 2.5 denotes only particles with a diameter less than or equal to 10 µm, 2.5 µm.

Picture 2 of Dangerous dust causes DNA alteration and many labeling problems

Not only does DNA change, ultra-fine dust also causes other money-related diseases

Research published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives showed the correlation between fine dust PM 2.5, PM 1.0 and health.

MSc Vu Xuan Dan - Center for Occupational Health and Environmental Protection in Ho Chi Minh City - warns: " The more fine dust, the easier it is to go into the respiratory system. It can affect the DNA structure , because of the imbalance of oxygen causing healthy cells to be damaged, affecting the metabolism of organic substances of DNA.

Chemicals in dust also directly affect DNA structure. Transitional metals in dust components such as Cr, Cd, Ni and aldehydes can hinder the DNA repair mechanism, causing lung cancer. "

Picture 3 of Dangerous dust causes DNA alteration and many labeling problems

Chemicals in dust also directly affect DNA structure.

Fine dust causes psychological illness

Research by the scientific community also shows that micro dust can be the cause of psychological disorders. This is the result published in British science journal BMJ in 2015.

Picture 4 of Dangerous dust causes DNA alteration and many labeling problems

Air and dust pollution . makes the environment more stuffy and breathless.

Air pollution, dust and smoke . make the environment more suffocating, difficult to breathe, thereby causing the lives of people affected, leading to psychological abnormal changes.

Fine dust causes respiratory diseases

We know that respiration is putting oxygen into the lungs. In the lungs, oxygen comes into contact with blood, with hemoglobin in the blood, which combines with oxygen, bringing oxygen to cells.

Picture 5 of Dangerous dust causes DNA alteration and many labeling problems

The poison in the dust that enters the human body will cause emphysema.

Fine dust plus CO or SO 2 , NO 2 , will prevent hemoglobin from combining oxygen to make cells lack oxygen. This is the cause of eye, nose, throat and lung irritation, coughing, sneezing . and respiratory diseases.

Not only that, toxins in the dust entering the human body will cause emphysema (lesions into the alveoli of the lungs, alveoli lose elasticity and retain air, causing lung stasis). This is one of the symptoms and symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Fine dust causes heart attack

Picture 6 of Dangerous dust causes DNA alteration and many labeling problems

Fine dust can also cause heart attack.

In addition to respiratory diseases, fine dust also attacks the alveoli, crossing the blood-gas barrier to enter the circulatory system and cause disease, even they can affect the nervous system. sutra.

Fine dust can also cause a normal, non-serious occlusion to burst, creating a blockage, causing a heart attack.

Fine dust causes serious memory loss

Picture 7 of Dangerous dust causes DNA alteration and many labeling problems

Long-term exposure to polluted air can accelerate cognitive decline.

Research by US scientists has shown that long-term exposure to polluted air can accelerate cognitive decline.

Professor Sudha Seshadri - Boston Medical Center Beth Israel Deaconess and Boston University School of Medicine said that MRI results show that air pollution affects brain activity, increases the risk of stroke and dementia remember and depression - especially when middle age.

Update 15 December 2018



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