Decipher the dream when you are near death

As people approach death, the number of electrical impulses in the brain skyrocketed and that could be the cause of strange dreams to appear.

Picture 1 of Decipher the dream when you are near death

Stepping in a tunnel full of light is the dream of many people who are close to death.Photo:

Many documents record people who have been in a coma or near death experiencing strange dreams such as the body hovering in the air, walking in a tunnel flooded with light, seeing gods, seeing their bodies self.

According to Telegraph, Dr. Lakhmir Chawla, a medical expert at the University of Washington in the US, thinks that these experiences are a biological phenomenon, not a supernatural or mystical phenomenon. To prove he and his colleagues studied 7 people who were about to die of serious illness like cancer or heart failure. The team followed patients with a brain activity meter.

Chawla realized that before a patient was about to take their last breath, their brain activity increased sharply in the interval of 30 seconds to three minutes.

The level of activity of the dying patient's brain is then comparable to the one who is fully awake, although the patient is in a coma and has no blood pressure. Immediately after an increase in brain activity, the patient died.

According to Chawla, when blood and oxygen flow to the brain decreases, every nerve cell generates the last electrical pulse. The phenomenon of electrical impulse eventually begins in an area of ​​the brain and spreads at an increasing rate. That situation makes people experience living feelings.

'When the brain is about to run out of oxygen, its electrical impulse will increase dramatically. That situation may be the cause of the near-death feeling , 'Chawla explained.

Dr. Chawla's research is the first evidence that dreams when people are near death are physiological phenomena.

Although Chawla only studied 7 patients, he said that the results were also true for all other deaths.