Decipher the mysterious columns of aliens that are causing an uproar in Canada

The picture looks like an alien crashing .

Recently, a picture in Ontario, Canada is being shared a lot on social networking sites. It's a picture of so many bright columns " falling from the sky ", like in alien films.

Picture 1 of Decipher the mysterious columns of aliens that are causing an uproar in Canada

Specifically, the photo was taken in North Bay, Ontario by photographer Timmy Joe Elzinga. This guy saw bright columns when he just woke up on a very cold morning."I was startled in panic, then watched with my wife and examined them," said Elzinga. "Bright columns like falling from the sky . "

It looks like an alien but after centuries of searching, aliens cannot appear so easily.

So in the end, what's going on?

This is essentially a rare natural phenomenon, called " light pillar ", or light pillars . This phenomenon looks very much like aurora in the Arctic, but the nature is different.

The aurora appears to be due to the charged molecules from the universe impacting atoms in the upper atmosphere of the Earth, causing them to emit magical light. The phenomenon of light pillars comes from flat hexagonal ice particles, formed in the lower atmosphere than usual.

Picture 2 of Decipher the mysterious columns of aliens that are causing an uproar in Canada
Light pillars appear to be due to ice molecules formed in the lower atmosphere

Meanwhile, ice molecules form a giant mirror, reflecting light. The light source comes from cars, city lights, or anything that has lighting capabilities.

These columns of light appear to come from the sky, but rather vice versa - light is reflected from the ground to the atmosphere, then reflected back, creating this supernatural phenomenon . The thing is, in fact we only see them when the light reflects back to the ground.

Picture 3 of Decipher the mysterious columns of aliens that are causing an uproar in Canada

The pillar of light usually occurs on very cold nights. According to Elzinga, in the morning he took a picture, the temperature fell to minus 18 degrees Celsius.

So just to see, nature can do a lot of spectacular scenes that we imagine, including fiction.