Decode about prehistoric daisy chrysanthemum thanks to X-rays

French and American scientists have obtained amazing images of fossil fossils via European Synchrotron synchronous radiation equipment (ESRF) in Grenoble, France.

Picture 1 of Decode about prehistoric daisy chrysanthemum thanks to X-rays These fossilized fossils are derived from a straight rod-shaped chamomile, Baculites.

Chrysanthemum belongs to the first-class animal group, with close relatives with the current squid and octopus species. A special point is that daisy daisies are capable of living very miraculously. They survived 350 million years later and became extinct along with the extinction of the dinosaurs.

According to scientists, the images obtained for jelly jelly are particularly important. Because these images have shown the habit of capturing prehistoric invertebrate marine animals.

The study has important implications for people to learn more about the way of life, even the extinction cause of the jellyfish.