The reason you should regularly feed your family chrysanthemum in the winter

Every time it gets cold, people crave the delicious taste of chrysanthemum processed into hot dishes, for the weather. Few people know that, eating this vegetable on a cold day is generally extremely good for health, can cure many common diseases in winter as well as enhance health when it gets cold.

Picture 1 of The reason you should regularly feed your family chrysanthemum in the winter
Chrysanthemum vegetables.

Among vegetables close to Vietnamese people's life, chrysanthemum is one of the familiar vegetables.
According to the former colonel, general medical doctor Bui Hong Minh (Vice Chairman of Ba Dinh Oriental Medicine Association, Hanoi), chrysanthemum has many different names such as: squash, chrysanthemum, daisy, squash, High copper, spring chrysanthemum, has the scientific name Glebionis coronaria, Asteraceae . In Oriental medicine, chrysanthemum has a sweet taste, slightly bitter, the aroma, coolness, numbness, non-toxic, has the effect of spleen, peace of mind, diuretic, sputum . are considered as A vegetable helps appetizers help eat well, digest well, except sputum, winding heat . And yet, this vegetable also works to balance kidneys, treat palpitations, heart palpitations, palpitations , insomnia, mind disturbing insecurity .

Research in modern medicine also shows that the use of chrysanthemum is not only about food but also a very good medicine. On average, a small chrysanthemum contains 1.85% protid, 2.57% glucide, 0.43% lipid and amino acids, lysine, fiber . and many important vitamins.

Research in modern medicine also shows that the use of chrysanthemum is not only about food but also a very good medicine.

Picture 2 of The reason you should regularly feed your family chrysanthemum in the winter
Chrysanthemum soup cooked lean meat.

According to doctor Bui Hong Minh, on cold days, we should increase the intake of chrysanthemum to help prevent many common diseases in the cold season. Just eat some chrysanthemum in the evening, you will see better sleep, more comfortable mood, prevent night urination. In particular, if there is a dry cough, cough with sputum, persistent cough, colds when it gets cold . then eating chrysanthemum will also help reduce the load significantly. This is one of the uses of chrysanthemum which is worthy of recognition.

Note: Although chrysanthemum is good for health, it can cure many diseases, but with its inherent characteristics, people who can have damaged blood, cold stomach, and diarrhea need to limit the consumption of this vegetable.