Decoding the meal of the longest-living king of the Korean Joseon Dynasty

The longest-living king in Joseon likes to be a vegetarian, often eats milk porridge, chestnuts and rarely drinks alcohol.

According to history books, the Joseon Dynasty kings had the best living conditions and medical services at that time. However, their lifespan is not long. The average lifespan of the total 27 kings of the Joseon Dynasty is about 45 years. Of these, 9 kings including Danjong, Yejong, Yeonsangun, Myeongjong, Gwanghaegun, Hyeonjong, Kyungjong, Heonjong and Cheoljong even died before the age of 35.

However, there was a Korean king who lived to be 83 years old, the king with the longest reign among the Joseon kings with a reign lasting up to 52 years. He is King Yeongjo. Based on historical records, it is believed that what helped him live a long life came from his diligent lifestyle and scientific eating habits.

1. Cut down on meals during the day

In the Chronicles of King Yeongjo, each Joseon king would eat a total of five meals a day. However, King Yeongjo only ate three meals a day with mostly frugal dishes. He once talked to his subjects on the night of October 18, 1724: "Regarding food, it is enough to suit your taste." There were times when he even fasted.

2. Likes to eat Tarajuk porridge

Picture 1 of Decoding the meal of the longest-living king of the Korean Joseon Dynasty
Tarakjuk dish. (Photo: TasteAtlas)

King Yeongjo especially liked Tarajuk. Tarakjuk milk porridge is made from simmered sticky rice, adding milk, salt and honey, appearing frequently in Korean royal cuisine. Tarakjuk porridge is often eaten by kings from early autumn until the end of winter to recover and strengthen their vitality. Tarakjuk ground rice porridge cooked with milk is similar to European soup.

3. Eat barley rice in the summer

Picture 2 of Decoding the meal of the longest-living king of the Korean Joseon Dynasty
Barley grain. (Photo: Pinterest).

Also in King Yeongjo's Annals, it was written that he liked to eat maeksura (rice from barley grains) on summer days. Barley rice contains more vitamins B1 and B2 than regular rice, so it is effective in treating constipation due to its high fiber content, helping to lose weight.

With barley, you can prepare many delicious dishes. Like rice, you wash it and cook it. You cook it with water or unsweetened fresh milk to make barley porridge. Mix with soups and stews to add flavor. Combine with flour to make barley bread. Mix with green vegetables and sauce to make a salad.

4. Likes to eat chestnuts

Picture 3 of Decoding the meal of the longest-living king of the Korean Joseon Dynasty
Chestnut. (Photo: Pinterest).

The 83-year-old king of the Joseon Dynasty also enjoys many other dishes. These are green rice, boiled chestnuts, boiled meat, deer tail and quail meat. In particular, chestnuts help improve intestinal and stomach health, add energy to the body, and fight hunger. He also uses this dish as a light snack before dinner, helping to temporarily dispel hunger.

Deer tail is used as medicine in oriental medicine. It warms the waist and increases knee endurance. It is also said to be effective in treating back pain, involuntary ejaculation, vestibular disorders, vertigo as well as tinnitus. Besides, quail meat is a medicinal herb that nourishes the five internal organs, replenishes energy, strengthens muscles and bones, and enhances bladder health.

5. Drink less alcohol

He did not drink much alcohol and issued a ban on alcohol on September 14, 1755. For a normal person, if you don't drink alcohol, your heart will be healthier and your liver will heal. The reason is because alcohol is the main cause of fatty liver, cirrhosis and other problems. The good news is that the liver can repair and regenerate itself when you quit drinking. At the same time, not drinking alcohol also helps you lose weight better, sleep better, improve your sex life, and reduce the risk of cancer.

6. Eat Tangpyeongchae

Picture 4 of Decoding the meal of the longest-living king of the Korean Joseon Dynasty
Tangpyeongchae dish. (Photo: Korea).

Tangpyeongchae is a dish that harmonizes green bean jelly with other ingredients in both flavor and color. King Yeongjo named this dish "Tangpyeongchae" with the meaning of pursuing a policy of political harmony in his kingdom.