Decoding why you often come up with many ideas when showering

Experts point out that standing in the shower is a good condition for us to create and create many ideas.

Recent research by Dutch experts has shown that standing under a shower is a good condition for us to create and create many ideas.

In order to come to this conclusion, the experts conducted a follow-up and conducted several studies. Accordingly, experts found that, from simple actions such as washing hair, bathing . under the shower - an unexpected solution could come to mind.

Picture 1 of Decoding why you often come up with many ideas when showering

Experts explain that, from activities that do not require much thought, this will help liberate the subconscious mind, the brain is no longer limited, so it promotes creativity.

Previously, the brain recorded "embryos" , cherished in your mind and these ideas would "pop out" when catalyzed by perfect conditions. However, this process does not happen when we actively focus on trying to find a solution. When too focused on any task, the part of the brain will mobilize all its energy into it, preventing creativity.

Two Dutch researchers - Ap Dijksterhuis and Teun Meurs have conducted experiments with a group of people tasked with thinking of the new pasta. Each person will give 5 names.

Experts found that people who were asked to do and think gave better names than those who were only asked to sit and think.

Instead, acts of relaxation and daydreaming will help relieve the center of the prefrontal cortex for more creative decisions and ideas.

Not only that, experts also say that private space, warm steam in the bathroom will help you relax. Your brain releases dopamine - which stimulates creativity . It is these conditions that help you make better and new ideas.