Detecting carcinogens in new car interior

A new car survey in China recently said that nearly 70% of new cars in Shanghai contain high levels of toxic chemicals, mainly due to interior decoration.

Of the 142 new cars tested by Shanghai Environmental Protection Association, 98 cars contain at least one toxic chemical, such as formaldehyde, benzene, methylbenzene and dimethylbenzene.

Picture 1 of Detecting carcinogens in new car interior
Nearly 70% of new cars in Shanghai contain high levels of toxic chemicals

Prolonged exposure to any of the above chemicals can damage the skin, nervous system, vital organs of the body or cause cancer to humans.

About 90 vehicles have been found to contain more TVOC than the national standard allows. There are 34 vehicles containing high levels of formaldehyde and 13 vehicles containing dimethylbenzene.

The danger is that these toxic chemicals may increase with increasing temperature. Therefore, experts have suggested owners keep cars to be well ventilated within 6 months to 1 year after purchase, especially in the summer, because chemicals will be released in hot weather.