The robotic interior system helps you to change the structure of the house with just one button

By clicking the button, Ori's system will turn from the living room to the bedroom, then to the office.

Given that living space in some cities is too expensive, start-up furniture company Ori Systems has researched how to get everything from living rooms, bedrooms, lockers and work areas into an apartment about 19-28m2. Their answer is that the robot interior system has the ability to change shape.

Picture 1 of The robotic interior system helps you to change the structure of the house with just one button
Robot interior system has the ability to change shape.

Ori was formerly a company of MIT's Media Lab, but they split and collaborated with Yves Béhar. The company's primary goal is to create a single system that can turn a small studio or a bedroom into a spacious, versatile living space. To do so, the company has combined unique technologies in the field of robotics, architecture and design.

Picture 2 of The robotic interior system helps you to change the structure of the house with just one button
The robotic interior system is capable of moving forward or backward with a wheel.

As a result, the company has successfully built a robotic interior system that can move forward or backward with a wheel, and users can simply press the button to change the structure of the room. A linear actuator will be attached to the adjacent wall with this system to move it. The power consumption when "transforming" is only 25% of the electricity you use for the hair dryer.

On one side of this system will be entertainment space, with bookshelves, storage compartments and benches. On the other side, it will be a storage cabinet, folding desk, some storage compartments and a hidden bed underneath, and when it is pressed, it will slide out.

Picture 3 of The robotic interior system helps you to change the structure of the house with just one button
Depending on the purpose of use, the user can adjust the light.

When not in use, the bed side can be folded flat, allowing you to press it against the wall to create a more open space. When moving away from the wall, it will divide the living space into two rooms. Depending on the purpose of use, the user can adjust the light. You can directly edit on the system or use the application on the phone.

Picture 4 of The robotic interior system helps you to change the structure of the house with just one button
The official product will be released early next year, and it may be coordinated with some other companies to produce.

Ori said their robotic interior technology will be useful in places where living space is extremely valuable, such as offices, hospitals, educational facilities, . Ori said products. Officially will be released early next year, and it may be cooperating with some other companies to produce.

Ori has not yet announced a specific price, but also revealed that the robot system itself is quite cheap , so the key price will be determined by the quality of the furniture.

Ori's robot interior system.

A conspicuous flaw on Ori's system is when you move, it will definitely be difficult for it. However, this is also something to look forward to as land becomes more and more expensive.