Interior robots are capable of flexible transformation

Have you ever imagined indoor furniture like furniture that can move, arrange or even transform into different objects?

Have you ever imagined indoor furniture like furniture that can move, arrange or even transform into different objects? A seemingly strange idea is that the project is being studied by Swiss scientists. Robots are called roombot , which includes parts that can be connected to each other like lego blocks.

The purpose of roombot project is to support human activities, especially the elderly. The roombot can transform itself into a chair quickly when someone sits down, or they can arrange themselves in a corner when they are not needed, which is the idea of ​​the project. The engineer, Massimo Vespignani, who is the head of the project, said: 'The idea of ​​robots with modules that can assemble themselves into different objects has been around for a long time, but no one has found a way. to realize this idea most effectively '.

Picture 1 of Interior robots are capable of flexible transformation

Each roombot is a completely independent cube, 12cm in size. Inside each of these robots there is a battery and three small motors that can rotate in 3 dimensions. On the surfaces of the cube there is a 3-spoke hook used to connect with other roombot to create a larger structure.

These roombot can operate in two modes, move on a special plate with hook holes and connect with other roombot by hook, or separate and move freely on the floor.

Picture 2 of Interior robots are capable of flexible transformation

The team is experimenting with different ways to control roombot. Operators can use smartphones, tablets or voice recognition and gestures. However, the roombot will not have awareness and independent activities to avoid some unwanted things that may happen, especially for the elderly.

Picture 3 of Interior robots are capable of flexible transformation

The roombot is currently being tested and will probably be completed in about 20 years. The current prototype still faces many problems, for example, the connection mechanism is not strong enough to support an adult. Besides, the battery in every roombot only helps it work for 1 hour.

However, when the project is complete, do you want to live in a house where the interior furniture can move on its own? With the midnight scene, it seemed like it was in a horror movie. However, there is no denying the useful effects that roombot will bring, contributing to our lives much more comfortable and comfortable.