Detecting dinosaurs 26m long, weighing 65 tons

This dinosaur is dated to about 77 million years ago and is considered one of the largest animals to ever step on the planet.

Recently, archaeologists were surprised when excavating more fossil bones of a prehistoric dinosaur in Argentina. Based on fossil bones, experts estimate the creature is about 26m long, weighs about 65 tons.

Experts named the creature Dreadnoughtus schrani. Weighing 65 tons, Dreadnoughtus schrani is said to be one of the largest dinosaurs, when heavier than a Boeing 737, about 7 times more weight than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, nearly 4 times more dinosaurs. diplodocus or 10 African elephants.

Picture 1 of Detecting dinosaurs 26m long, weighing 65 tons
Dreadnoughtus schrani dinosaur simulation image.

This newly excavated fossil bone in Argentina will help archaeologists to complete the skeleton of a giant ancient plant-eating animal that appeared about 77 million years ago.

Dr. Kenneth Lacorvara of Drexel University (Philadelphia) said: "This is considered a major discovery when providing us with information about one of the most giant walking creatures on the planet."

Examining the 77-million-year-old specimen, experts found that the fossil bone owner was not really mature at the time of his death.

Picture 2 of Detecting dinosaurs 26m long, weighing 65 tons
Weight comparison of Dreadnoughtus schrani dinosaurs with other subspecies and Boeing 737 aircraft.

Previously, archaeologists also discovered bone fossils of Dreadnoughtus dinosaurs in southern Patagonia, including caudal vertebrae, cervical vertebrae, a femur of about 1.8 meters in length - superior to the height of an average man.

Later, experts also found shoulder blades, some ribs, arm bones, toes, claws, and a small part of the dorsal and back bone of the dinosaur.

The discovery of the femur, arm bone is extremely special for the professionals, through which they can calculate the true size of the dinosaur.

Picture 3 of Detecting dinosaurs 26m long, weighing 65 tons

Researcher Dr Matthew Lamanna said: "The discovery of this dinosaur's bones reminds us of another giant dinosaur ever found - it's the Argentinosaurus. Argentinosaurus dinosaurs have The size is similar to Dreadnoughtus, even bigger, however, the true size parameters in both dinosaurs are still mysterious. "

Dr. Lacorvara said: "The reason he chose the name" Dreadnoughtus "means" nothing to worry about. "Because he believed that, with such a tremendous size, the Dreadnoughtus schrani dinosaur was not. apprehensive or subdued by any threat ".