Discover super big tyrant dinosaurs

US scientists have discovered fossils of a new tyrant dinosaur weighing up to 4 tons.

>>>Discover new tyrant dinosaurs

On November 22, the US journal Nature Communications reported that scientists have discovered fossils of a new dinosaur named Siats meekerorum weighing up to 4 tons and as long as one. Container trucks in the Utah area existed 98 million years ago.

Scientists believe that this species of Siats meekerorum must have dominated the giant dinosaurs before decaying and paved the way for the rise of new tyrant dinosaurs, including the floating T-rex. language.

Picture 1 of Discover super big tyrant dinosaurs
The newly discovered tyrant dinosaur Siats meekerorum.(Photo: Telegraph)

According to palaeontologist Lindsay E. Zanno of the University of North Carolina, this newly discovered giant dinosaur exists at the end of the Cretaceous period, when the Earth is witnessing many major environmental changes and the encroachment of an interior sea divided the western region of the United States today.

Zanno said that this is a great example of the continuous change of the ecosystem on Earth."This is the period when temperatures rise, sea levels rise, and form a strait that encroaches into North America, dividing this region into many major islands at the end of the Cretaceous period," she said.

During that period, the ancestors of the T-rex tyrant dinosaurs were quite small in size, but with the warming of the climate, they quickly evolved in size to become giant monsters that they We often see in movies or museums.

With the size and other characteristics of this dinosaur, the researchers believe that they dominate the ecosystem in the middle of the Cretaceous period, the period we often call the 'Dinosaur Age'.

Researcher Peter Makovicky said in addition to size and appearance, there are many other factors related to this newly discovered dinosaur that made them very excited.

One of the factors is that the Siats meekerorum has filled the gap of 30 million years of evolution in North America, a period when scientists hardly knew anything about dinosaurs on this continent.

According to the researchers, the name of this new dinosaur 'Siats meekerorum' refers to a giant predator in the myth of the Utes Aboriginal people living in this area. They also hope to find more evidence of the existence of many other dinosaurs in this area during later excavations.