Find relatives of tyrant dinosaurs

Scientists have found a dinosaur fossil of the size and shape of Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs. It was identified as a new dinosaur and named Zhuchengtyrannus magnus.

Picture 1 of Find relatives of tyrant dinosaurs
Picture 2 of Find relatives of tyrant dinosaurs
Sketch image of the Zhuchengtyrannus magnus dinosaur (pictured above) and its molar fossil (below)

The set of Zhuchengtyrannus magnus fossils is found in Zhucheng City, Shandong Province (China), including the skull and two teeth: the lower jaw has seven teeth, has a length of up to 10cm; jaw on eight teeth of similar length.

Based on what was found, the scientists assumed that Zhuchengtyrannus Magnus was 4m tall, 11m long, weighed about 6 tons. They identified this species as having many characteristics of tyrannical dinosaurs: running on two feet, two small arms reaching forward and also carnivorous.

' Although the fossil skull and bone we found cannot accurately confirm the overall size of this species, we have found that they are only a few centimeters smaller than the tyrannical dinosaur. They also have some characteristics similar to tyrannical dinosaurs , 'said Dr. David of Dublin University (Ireland).

Experts are now investigating this dinosaur more deeply.