Detecting secret communication methods of humpback whales

On April 25, the scientists published a new interesting finding on the survival skills of humpback whales, which indicate that the whale and mother of this species use secret communication methods to avoid risks from other predators in the ocean.

Whales are known for their loud cries to gather herds, male whales also emit loud echoes to attract their partners during the breeding season.

Therefore, this is the first time scientists have discovered a "secret" form of communication between mother whales and baby whales.

Picture 1 of Detecting secret communication methods of humpback whales
There is a "secret" form of communication between mother whales and baby whales.

When they realize the danger they will "whisper" small enough that only the mother and daughter know because if the signal is too big they will be detected by the enemy.

The pair of whales can hear each other's signals in less than 100 meters, especially in the environment of many light-lacking hazards and many predatory whales always prowling humpback whales.

The secret signaling of this type is also a way to help the whale avoid the male whales who are looking for partners during the time of taking care of young children. They also use this method when baby whales want to be breastfed.

This skill is very important because right from the birth, mother whales will have to take their children about 8,000km from the breeding ground back to their habitat habitats in Antarctica.

However, scientists also warned that noise pollution at sea could affect the communication efficiency of this marine species.

In the summer, concentrated humpback whales live in both Antarctica and Arctic, while in winter there is also breeding season, humpback whales often swim to tropical waters.