Detection of genes involved in deep sleep

Picture 1 of Detection of genes involved in deep sleep Swiss researchers have identified a type of gene that helps explain why some people sleep deeply and some sleep very well.

The study author, Hans-Peter Landolt, adjunct professor at the University of Zurich, said: ' Animal studies show that the intensity of sleep is controlled by the gene, but the physiological mechanism is still mysterious '.

Landolt focused on the adenosine neurotransmitter system in the brain, and isolated genes regulating adenosine. Adenosine is an ingredient that is thought to act on specific receptors that make sleep. The antagonists that inhibit these receptors, such as caffeine, increase alert, wake up.

Landolts indicate high levels of adenosine make people sleepy. The study showed that adenosine plays a direct role in the quality of sleep. Landolt suggests that the adenosine system may be an important target for making drugs that help improve sleep disorders.

HOT ( According to Health24 )