Did matter in the universe exist out of nowhere or did it exist in the first place?

This is a big question, and it can be said that it is also a basic human question about the universe around us.

Currently, the world's scientists still do not have a perfect explanation for this problem, only a few petty theories, such as the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, zero-vacuum point energy. and other theories.

According to my understanding of these theories, the origin of matter in the universe can be said to come from nothing. To explain these theories, we still cannot separate Einstein's well-known equation, which is E = MC^2. Although the formula is simple, it can explain the deep mystery. far away of the universe, it's the equivalence of mass and energy, and they're interchangeable.

Matter in the universe is transformed from energy, and in extreme cases, it will be transformed into energy and disappear. This is the life and death law of the universe.

From a macro perspective, the universe was created out of nothing

Picture 1 of Did matter in the universe exist out of nowhere or did it exist in the first place?

The singularity began with the big bang 13.8 billion years ago.

The big bang cosmological model has been the standard model of modern cosmology, i.e. it has become the mainstream understanding of astronomers and cosmologists around the world - the expansion , which formed the present-day universe.

The singularity began with the big bang 13.8 billion years ago, went through a period of rapid inflation and expansion. Currently, it is still expanding at several times the speed of light, and becoming an observable universe, with a radius of about 46.5 billion light-years.

However, that does not mean that all positions are expanding faster than the speed of light, but implying that the expansion of the entire universe overlaps. At the polar edge of the observable universe 46.5 billion light-years away, the speed of galaxies leaving us exceeds the speed of light.

Picture 2 of Did matter in the universe exist out of nowhere or did it exist in the first place?

It can be said that the boundary between a point of existence and non-existence is called a singularity.

In scientific terms, a singularity is represented by infinitely small volume, infinite density, infinite curvature, and infinite temperature. So the question is what is this singularity? How did it happen? From a macro perspective, it was something out of nowhere, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

It can be said that the boundary between a point that exists and that does not exist is called a singularity, which is the point of infinite curvature of space and time, where space-time ends. General relativity predicts that such singularities are bound to occur, a phenomenon in which matter in the extreme gravitational field is influenced by quantum processes and collapses into a collection of non-dimensional dimensions. other times, such as a black hole singularity.

On the other hand, the Big Bang is the result of recovery from other time and space. In this sense, the singularity is something of a superspace-time, and it is no longer a matter of space-time of the universe. The singularity is the extension from other time and space into our own time and space, so it can be said that the universe itself was created out of nothing.

But according to the theory of quantum mechanics, the universe was born from.

There are two theories of modern quantum mechanics that explain this phenomenon - the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the zero-vacuum point energy theory.

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that in the microscopic world it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time, from which it can be inferred that even if the temperature drops to absolute zero, the particle still oscillates, otherwise the uncertainty principle will be violated.

That is, even if the universe were to perish, with no space-time, and only absolute vacuum, there would still be particle motion, and if there were particle motion there would be energy, and this is the source of the zero-vacuum point energy. In the vacuum of absolute vacuum, these energies would exist in the form of quantum bubbles, i.e. appearing randomly as virtual particles.

Picture 3 of Did matter in the universe exist out of nowhere or did it exist in the first place?

Even if the universe perishes, there is no space-time and only absolute vacuum.

These virtual particles are in yin and yang pairs, i.e. they appear randomly as yang and antimatter, when yin and yang matter meet, they annihilate (disappear after releasing energy) , so these pairs of virtual particles in the vacuum appear randomly, it will be suppressed instantaneously at random.

If the world were so symmetrical and perfectly balanced, our world would never have existed. But physicists have discovered that the world is not perfect, the most typical representatives are Yang Zhenning, Li Zhengdao and Wu Jianxiong with their "Law of Non-Conservation of Parity" which they discovered and verified by The experiment won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1957.

These theories hold that our universe is not perfect, but that there are occasional violations of non-conservative asymmetries that cause the world to be constantly changing. Therefore, the scientific community has a breakthrough explanation for the Big Bang, which is that these pairs of virtual particles randomly appear in quantum oscillations that are not 100% suppressed but will be destroyed again. a cosmic singularity.

Our universe erupted from such a singularity, and it is possible that many other universes also erupted from this singularity.

Picture 4 of Did matter in the universe exist out of nowhere or did it exist in the first place?

It is possible that many other universes also erupted from the singularity.

The singular energy that is broken but not annihilated cannot return to nothing but can only expand, which is the big bang of the universe. The Big Bang was extremely hot and dense, with only energy at first and nothing at all. Within 1 second of the Big Bang, the universe was inflated. Gravity, gluons, quarks, bosons, leptons, protons, neutrons and their antiparticles appear one after another, and then the strong and weak electromagnetic forces that interact with each other also separate.

After 384,000 years of expansion and cooling, the universe was large enough, and the temperature cooled to about 3000K, neutral atoms appeared, the universe finally passed the dark age, the first ray of light (electrical waves) word) from the dense universe.

At this time, common substances consisting of atoms appeared. The earliest substances were the simplest elements, hydrogen and helium, and a very small amount of lithium. These lightweight substances gradually gather into clusters of nebulae due to the gravitational pull of the universe, then shrink and collapse. And that is also the time when the stars, stars and galaxies in the universe were born.

Picture 5 of Did matter in the universe exist out of nowhere or did it exist in the first place?

Early stars were relatively large, so their lifespans were very short. In stellar nuclear fusion and continuous supernova explosions, heavier elements are created in turn, and 118 known elements gradually emerge. It is these elements that make up all the substances in the universe and all living things on Earth.

In this sense, the matter of the universe existed before that. Before the universe was born, these energies were stored in a vacuum, and it was the giant vacuum zero point energy that transformed different substances, which was consistent with the law of mass conversion- energy is revealed by Einstein's mass-energy equation.

Update 20 May 2022



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