Disclosure of 'formula' creates a perfect athlete

An excellent athlete is the

An excellent athlete is the 'product' of the working process, hard work, serious, methodical. However, that is not always the case. Below is a 'formula' that helps create potential athletes, which can be very helpful for managers in building a strong sport.


Factors related to strength, speed, stamina in some sports such as running, swimming, weightlifting . are not dependent on the training and training that is determined by the gene. No matter how hard you work, the amount of muscle fiber will not increase without the ' genetic ' potential , Bob Girandola - a researcher on the mechanical movement of the body in the Great. Southern California school said.

The muscle fibers are divided into two categories: fast contraction and slow contraction. Genetic testing shows that in an excellent marathon athlete, the slow muscle contraction fiber occupies from 80% to 90% or they will not be able to run over 2 hours and 15 minutes. Conversely, if the sprinter is a sprinter, the muscle fibers are fast to determine the speed. All these things cannot come from training, Girandola added.

Many studies have demonstrated that muscle production depends on the ACTN3 variant, X and R. The combination of two copies of the X variant that produces many fibers is slow and will maximize the advantage in the subjects. Sport requires strength, while two copies of the R variant of the same 'forte' are fast-shrink fibers that are suitable for strength or speed operation. Therefore, in order not to waste time detecting and training, many managers even conducted saliva tests to identify the ACTN3 gene in the potential candidate group.

2. Shape

The requirements for body shape in different sports will not be the same. Most basketball players are high while weightlifters are usually low, rafted and stocky. For sprinter, some scientists speculate on why the world record in the 100-meter category in the last 50 years were of West African descent, because black people often have body weight (which is the position of the navel) is high.

West Africa athletes' navel position is 3cm higher than European or Asian athletes and this has helped them gain a speed advantage in track and field competitions, especially races of less than 10 seconds. , thanks to longer legs. Meanwhile, because of the lower body focus of Asians or whites, their bodies will be longer and therefore, they tend to dominate in swimming, Professor Adrian Bejan of Duke University (USA). Conclusion after 1 study in 2010.

Picture 1 of Disclosure of 'formula' creates a perfect athlete

Usain Bolt won the final 100m
at the 2008 Olympic Games. (Photo: SeizureDog)

3. Spiritual capacity

When it comes to sports such as boat racing, fitness and football, in addition to some natural characteristics that belong to aptitude or body shape, the practice process is the deciding factor. As in Brazil - the country that produces many famous football players, you can see images of kids practicing with the ball anytime, anywhere, in the morning, noon and even the night.

However, with the same training frequency, some people still become more outstanding thanks to their mental capacity.'The excellent athlete's brain is structured in a way that easily ignores the signs of muscle pain, allowing them to be able to overcome trauma and tolerate the accumulation of lactic acid causing muscle fatigue' Professor Jon Williamson from the University of Southwest Texas Medical Center said. Lactic acid is a muscle fuel produced by the breakdown of glucose during strenuous exercise. This buildup causes a burning sensation like burning that makes you want to explode. However, scientists have not been able to clarify the question of whether the ability to endure is innate or through the process of learning and training.

4. Brain response

Recent research has found that in the top athlete group, activity is more frequent in a region of the brain called the insula (the small lobe in the front of the brain).'It's one of those areas with emotional awareness and control functions that allows you to handle external information as well as create internal reactions , ' Williamson said.

By predicting the upcoming needs of the body, the insula will create an early physical reaction to maintain form. For example, if you are running and seeing a slope ahead, if you are an experienced athlete or have gone through a formal training process, your body will immediately adjust as provided. The blood reaches the muscles faster, making it easier for you to cross the slope.

However, cortical activity is due to training or simply because the available nature is still a question without a clear answer, Williamson said.

Reference: Livescience

Update 18 December 2018



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