Discover 5 great health benefits from chili peppers - VN Knowledge

The small chili peppers have a pungent taste that is loved by many people. There are people who really do not eat well without chili. In fact, chili peppers not only stimulate the taste buds, increase appetite, but also have very important nutritional values ​​that other cooking ingredients do not have.

Picture 1 of Discover 5 great health benefits from chili peppers - VN Knowledge

Considering the origin, chili is a food of the Ca family, which has been the main dish in Mexico for hundreds of years. During the Columbus Exchange of the late 16th century, with the wide exchange of people, flora and fauna, and cultural influences between the Americas, Old World, Eastern and Western Hemisphere, chili peppers has been promoted around the world.

Today, chili is widely used in the cuisines of India, Southeast Asia, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa, China and Korea. 

It can be said that growing peppers is a difficult task because the growth and harvesting of peppers is quite complicated. Chili is very perishable, so it must be carefully monitored during harvesting, transportation and storage. Moreover, one must choose the right time to harvest the peppers to avoid them spoiling in the beds or fields.

Once harvested, chili peppers can be eaten raw, dried or cooked, and added to dishes that need a little bit of spice. The spiciness of chili peppers is due to the substance 'capsaicin' contained in chili peppers. The stimulating taste of chili brings a sense of appetite to the eaters, not only creating attractive dishes, but also very good for health.

Here are some amazing health benefits of chili peppers:

1. Prevent stomach ulcers

There are many people who do not know that eating chili peppers is useful for preventing stomach ulcers, because when eating chili peppers, capsaicin will work to help destroy Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.

In this process, chili also stimulates gastric cells to secrete gastric juice to increase the defense capacity of this organ.

2. Extend the life

Researchers from the University of Vermont (USA) found that eating chili peppers can reduce mortality by 13%. In other words, people who eat chili often live longer. The main reason is that eating chili peppers can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

Picture 2 of Discover 5 great health benefits from chili peppers - VN Knowledge

Discover 5 amazing health benefits of chili peppers.

3. Strengthen the immune system

The small chili peppers often have a beautiful red color because they contain a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C. Two teaspoons of red pepper can provide 6% of the vitamin C needed by the body per day. At the same time, all the vitamin A present in chili peppers is very beneficial for intestinal, respiratory and urinary tract health.

Vitamin A is also the first line of defense against infection.

  1. How will the body change when you eat spicy?

4. Beneficial for weight control 

Chili peppers not only make food more delicious, but also increase the body's heat production, thereby improving metabolism. These processes require a lot of energy, so they will help the body to expend energy.

Chili can also affect protein, fight the accumulation of fat in the body.

5. Anti-cancer

Capsaicin in chili peppers has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can fight cancer. This is also good news for men because the bioactive phytochemicals in capsaicin can suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells. 

According to the US National Library of Medicine, the phytochemicals in diets containing chili peppers stimulate anti-cancer activity, which may prevent cancer in the first place.

Note: Eating chili is good for health, but it doesn't mean you should eat a lot. You need to remember one thing that 'too much is not good', eat a moderate amount, should not eat too spicy, it will have a bad effect on taste and the health of the stomach and intestines.