Discover a new dinosaur

Scientists in China and Japan have reported that they have discovered a new dinosaur that once lived in China 100 million years ago.

Picture 1 of Discover a new dinosaur

A member of the dinosaur family nodosaur (Photo:

After studying fossils found in a village near Lishui City (Zhejiang Province, China) in 2000, scientists identified this as a new dinosaur and named it is " Zhejiangosaurus Lishuiensis ", belonging to the dinosaur family nodosaur.

These fossils are well preserved, including two limbs, hip bones and spine . Specimens were later analyzed at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum of Natural Science. According to scientists, this is the fossil of a mature grass-eating dinosaur, 1 meter tall, 6 meters long.

The nodosaur dinosaur fossils are often found in North America, but they are occasionally found in China. Previously, Chinese archaeologists had found similar dinosaur fossils in Luoyang, Henan province.