Discover a rare two-headed turtle

A two-headed turtle is being sold to animal collectors after it was born on a turtle farm in northeastern Arkansas, USA.

>>>Mother cow gives birth to 2 heads

Picture 1 of Discover a rare two-headed turtle
The two-headed turtle is especially on Northeast Ark farm.(Photo: AP)

The Jonesboro Sun reported that a special turtle was discovered at Northeast Ark turtle farm in Amagon, Arkansas, last week of the 30,000 birds preparing to move to China.

Farm workers said they had seen a double-headed turtle before but it died shortly after being born. They also found that many turtles have more than four legs.

According to a biologist, mutant turtles are quite rare in the past. However, recently, they are increasing in number.

Another worker added that often such special turtles will be used for education or research. However, Northeast Ark's agent is selling this animal and it is likely to become the property of a mutant animal collector.