Discover the mystery of the big panda

Experts have tried to answer questions about big pandas, lovely animals that eat bamboo leaves but the amount is too small because they are too lazy to mate.

Mysterious big panda species

It can be said that the existence of a big panda is a confusing thing of nature. The bulky bear bears eat only bamboo leaves, a form of extremely nutritious food that takes a lot of effort to digest after every meal. So the animals that China honors as "national security " how to survive when maintaining a great body with such a selective diet?

Picture 1 of Discover the mystery of the big panda
Large pandas are very lazy animals

Basically, they are evolved to be lazy, to allow people to admire and petite. In fact, from a scientific perspective, big pandas are carnivores because their digestive system can handle meat, but it is well known that this animal prefers to eat bamboo leaves . To understand the mystery of the big panda, scientists from the Chinese Institute of Zoology in Beijing have attached a radio ring to a large group of pandas including females in Qinling Mountain and Observe them for 6 years before completing the report published in the prestigious Science journal. They found that the subjects only absorbed 38% of the energy needed compared to similar sized animals, meaning 5.2 megajoules (MJ) instead of 13.8 MJ as expected. This means that a 90 kg panda needs less than half of the energy that a person of the same weight must eat to sustain life. And 38% of this energy comes from 9 to 18 kg of bamboo that pandas must eat every day.

Experts tracked energy consumption every day in 5 pandas in captivity and 3 in nature. The results show that this creature hardly cares about moving. The energy consumption parameters of large pandas ' form the slowest in nature compared to body size'. Accordingly, captive pandas spend about one-third of the day moving to their stout bodies, while wild pandas are more active when they spend half of their time doing light movements. In other words, in terms of energy, big pandas are no different from sloths .

Besides lying down all day, other features that contribute to the slow panda's metabolic rate are the amount of thyroid hormone that can be compared to the hibernating black bear. The small size of internal organs such as the brain, liver and kidney can also contribute to the rare metabolism in this species. While some animals move to slack or hibernate to slow down their metabolic rate, large pandas can maintain high body temperature thanks to their thick coat.

According to the discovery of experts, big pandas have eaten both meat and plants until they began to switch to a bamboo diet about 2 million years ago. Until now, their digestive system has not been able to adapt to the new diet. That's why their gastrointestinal tract is similar to carnivores. Another study published this year has also shown how bad the big panda's food is digested. They only digest about 17% of the amount of bamboo eaten every day.

In short, the big panda's life guarantees three orgasms of human life, but they criticize it . This is also the reason why cute creatures are on the list of highly endangered species, with only about 1,600 individuals in the wild.