Discover the phenomena of very special evolution of creatures

The ultimate goal of evolution is to help organisms that possess traits that are optimally adapted to habitat conditions. Therefore, in nature there exist many very special evolutionary paths, leading to the formation of 'unique' plants and animals.

Picture 1 of Discover the phenomena of very special evolution of creatures
Evolution of imitation is the phenomenon of an organism that evolves in the direction of 'copying' a certain morphological character of another species, in order to serve the purpose of reproduction, hunting or chasing away the enemy.Some examples of typical imitating evolution are: insects with the shape of leaves and branches to disguise;some butterflies, spiders and frogs look exactly like bird feces;In particular, there are orchids that possess petals and scents that mimic flies and wasps, to trick the males into pollinating them.

Picture 2 of Discover the phenomena of very special evolution of creatures
Aposematism is an evolutionary type that results in vividly colored creatures such as oranges, reds, and gold.This form of evolution often occurs in low-grade animals, especially insects.The same is to not be turned into predator food, but instead of trying to imitate things in nature, these creatures use their eye-catching colors to signal a warning: 'If not want to die, don't be foolish to eat me because I'm very poisonous'.Aposematism is also noted in both nocturnal animals.For example, some species project 'show off' their toxicity with bioluminescence.

Picture 3 of Discover the phenomena of very special evolution of creatures
In the case of peacocks, the extravagant tail that the male owns is the result of the evolution of 'sex selection'.It is easy to understand: male peacocks with more beautiful tails will be more likely to attract females, during mating season.This means that they will have a better chance of pairing and maintaining the race.Conversely, bad male peacocks will be very difficult or impossible to find.As a result, the public populations will retain male peacocks with beautiful tail phenotypes and gradually eliminate bad tail traits.Besides peacocks, we can see the phenomenon of sex selection in frogs.Accordingly, male frogs with a deeper 'boxed' sound will be more eye-catching by females.

Picture 4 of Discover the phenomena of very special evolution of creatures
The 'Neoteny' known as the 'Child' is an adult phenomenon that does not change its morphology completely, but still retains some phenotypic characteristics of the young.The most representative representative of the phenomenon of the Baby is the species.Unlike frogs (also a representative from the amphibian class like salamanders), when adults will be completely different from the young, tadpole type both morphologically and habitat, Axolotls although growing 4 more limbs Keep the tail, to adapt and live completely in the water.According to the scientists, the phenomenon of the Baby in the salamander is the result of the evolutionary process, when this species selects the way to stay in the water environment, instead of going ashore, where food shortages are full of Hunter.