Discover the shocking memory of animals

The transcendental memory of animals will certainly surprise many people, in addition to "like god" memory, there are animals that can think logically and can actually deduce if a = b and b = c then a = c.


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The results of the US scientists' study determined that dolphins are the longest social memory animals in the animal kingdom. Researchers brought Bailey the dolphin away from her "girlfriend" Alice for more than 20 years, but after a long time away, Bailey still recognized Alice's signal after Scientists transmit those signals through loudspeakers.


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Chimpanzees can easily remember how to use 'working tools' to get good food. This species is noted for long memory like humans, and uses memory to solve survival tasks.

Sea lion

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Sea lions are animals with the best memory in the world of animals. This species is able to think logically and can actually deduce if a = b and b = c then a = c. The researchers tested teaching the sea lion named Rio how to identify experimental letters, the result after 10 years, the animal still remembers printing the complex exercises it has learned.


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Orangutan memory reflects in how this species mimics human actions. They are capable of learning complex skills, such as sawing wood or using hammers and nails to close things together.


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Good memory is the reason why pigeons are often used for ancient mail. They have the ability to remember geography very well. Studies show that pigeons are able to remember people's faces and the places they pass through their lives in a great way.


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Sheep are said to have the best memory abilities, even better than humans in certain situations. For example, this species is capable of recognizing a rapid shortage when a sheep in a herd is missing. In addition, sheep know how to express emotions and react to many things that happen very smartly.


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Horses have impressive intelligence, so they can be easily trained. They have good memory, can understand complex commands quickly despite stressful stress.


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Tests show that octopus has both long-term and short-term memory. They perform conscious actions. Octopuses can find their way out of the maze, distinguish shapes, mimic behaviors of other species, learn games.


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Cats have very good short-term memories. The study, published in Current Biology in 2007, confirms that cats' short-term memory can sometimes last up to 10 minutes. The researchers tested the cat's path with an obstacle. After the cat stumbled upon this object with its forelegs, they quickly removed the obstruction and caused the cat to lose focus, not realizing that the obstacle had disappeared. As a result, after 10 minutes, the cat still lifts his back leg as a reflex to avoid an obstacle that he remembers that ten minutes ago was there.

Clark's Nutcracker Bird

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Clark's Nutcracker bird in the southwestern United States is noted to have a very good memory. Every winter, the birds bury more than 30,000 pine nuts at 7,000 different points, each with 4-5 seeds. The bird's memory is so great that they can find all 7,000 hiding places later.