Discovered 500 million-year-old insect has brain

Scientists have discovered insect fossils with the world's oldest complex brain structure, dating to about 500 million years old.

Picture 1 of Discovered 500 million-year-old insect has brain
Fossianhuia protensa fossils - (Photo: Daily Mail)

Fossils discovered in mudstone in Yunnan Province, China are Fuxianhuia protensa , ancient ancestors of arthropods today. They appeared in the Cambrian period dating back 520 million years.

This finding has changed scientists' thinking about the evolution of the brain of this species, suggesting that their brains develop complexly earlier than we thought, while shedding light on evolutionary history. of arthropods.

Dr. Nicholas Strausfeld, author of the study at the University of Arizona (USA), said: 'Nobody thinks that a complex brain-forming animal will appear so soon in the history of dynamic types. multicellular objects'.

The research promises to revolutionize the study of insects' evolution into the animals we see today.