Discovered a species of 'monster bird' that specializes in eating giant birds

Scientists have recently announced a species of eagle believed to be the largest ever to exist.

Accordingly, this "monster bird" was a predator like modern descendants but had vulture-like eating habits.

Picture 1 of Discovered a species of 'monster bird' that specializes in eating giant birds
The Giant Eagle and the Nightmare of the Moa.

This giant bird is called Haast's eagle, they hunt, squeeze and pierce their prey with their sharp talons. They even burrow their heads inside their prey and enjoy their offal meal.

Scientists have long debated whether the eagle was a predator like modern eagles or a scavenger like a vulture. Their feet and claws resemble eagles, while some other organs resemble vultures.

Current techniques have allowed them to simulate and compare them with living birds. After analysis, they were concluded to be eagle-like predators and vulture-like prey.

Haast eagles live in New Zealand, they weigh up to 15kg and have claws up to 9cm long, with a wingspan of up to 3m.

One of their main prey is the Moa, a large and flightless bird. This bird was also abundant on this island before becoming extinct about 800 years ago.

One of the reasons why these two birds became extinct was because the Maori people landed on the island, hunting Moa birds and destroying their habitat. Indiscriminate hunting by humans inadvertently causes eagles to lose their food source and become extinct.

Like its natural enemy, the Moa is also a giant bird. They have a height of up to 3.7m when stretching their neck and weigh about 230kg.