Discovered new mouse varieties in the island of Indonesia

A group of zoologists from Indonesia's Zoologicum Bogoriense Museum and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark's Center for Macroeconomics and Ecology have discovered a new strain of mice on Halmahera Island (Northern Maluku province, Indonesia).

Picture 1 of Discovered new mouse varieties in the island of Indonesia
Photo: Redorbit

The head of the group of zoologists, Dr. Pierre-Henri Fabre, said that the newly discovered mice have a striking set of features such as the hairs on the back, white spots on the tail and three pairs of nipples. .

The team was surprised to find that this new rodent in Boki Mekot, a mountainous area is seriously threatened by exploitation and deforestation, and named them Halmaheramys bokimekot. .

According to Pierre-Henri Fabre, genetic analysis shows that Halmaheramys bokimekot originates from the East, and this reflects the transformation process in transition regions especially in Asia-Pacific, requiring a More intensive scientific research.