Discovered the galaxies about 10,000 million light-years from Earth

On July 16, Astronomical Journal reported that a group of astronomers discovered one of the brightest galaxies and thousands of light years away from other galaxies.

On July 16, the Astrophysical Journal Letters reported that a group of astronomers discovered one of the brightest galaxies and thousands of light years away from other galaxies.

To detect this galaxy, astronomers studied a magnified image obtained from the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS telescope on the island of La Palma in Canaries of Spain, combined with WISE satellite data. by the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) and the Planck satellite of the European Space Agency.

Picture 1 of Discovered the galaxies about 10,000 million light-years from Earth

This galaxy is located in the center of the arc on a strip of many stars.(Illustration).

Head of the research group Anastasio Daz Sanchez said the galaxy was found to be larger and 11 times brighter than it actually is. The images collected show that this galaxy is located at the center of the arc on a strip of many stars, known as the "Einstein arc".

According to Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, the deflection of light rays by gravitational fields appears a gravitational lens effect, in which many images of the same galaxy appear through photographs. .

Based on Einstein's general theory of relativity, astronomers from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPT) and the Astrofisica de Canarias Research Institute (IAC) of Spain discovered this distant galaxy, located about 10,000 million light-years from Earth.

According to researcher Susana Iglesias-Groth - co-chair of the study, astronomers will study the structure of the galaxy next time.

Update 17 December 2018



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