Discovering a plant that can cure cancer in Australia

Australian scientists have just discovered the anti-cancer properties in a berry found only in Far North Queensland.

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Picture 1 of Discovering a plant that can cure cancer in Australia After 8 years of research, Dr. Glen Boyle of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane has discovered a compound in this berry can kill tumors in the head and neck as well as malignant tumors.

An experimental drug purified from this fruit, called EBC-46, has been used on over 300 animals, including cats, dogs and horses. The results showed that 75% of cases were taken, the tumor disappeared and no recurrence.

Dr Boyle said: 'There is a compound in the seed of this fruit, which is very difficult to refine but we did. This compound essentially acts in three ways: it directly destroys the tumor cells, it prevents the blood supply and it activates the body's immune system. "

The drug has no side effects, but the most surprising thing for scientists is the ability to rapidly destroy tumor cells. According to Dr. Boyle, the drug works within 5 minutes and the tumor disappears within a few days, instead of the usual few weeks.

Dr. Boyle stressed the tests that drugs can work well in people. However, the drug should be used only for tumors that can be injected directly, the drug has no effect on metastatic cancers.

Dr. Boyle recommends taking drugs as an additional treatment option rather than replacing existing chemotherapeutic or surgical measures.

Currently licensed Qbiotics Biotechnology Company started testing in humans. Australian authorities are also working to expand planting of the fruit.

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