Discovering Pharaoh's tomb nearly 4000 years in Egypt

The French news agency AFP reported that a Spanish archaeologist has discovered the tomb of Pharaoh of an 11th dynasty king of Egypt in the city of Luxor, in the middle east of the country.

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During the press conference on June 9, Egyptian Minister of Industry Mohamed Ibrahim said that, based on the width of the grave surface, scientists thought it was a "good royal character". a senior official '.

The Spanish archaeological team led by researcher Jose Galan said the grave will provide new information as well as new discoveries about the reign of reign in Luxor - the ancient Egyptian capital.

Picture 1 of Discovering Pharaoh's tomb nearly 4000 years in Egypt
Inside the Pharaoh's tomb is over 4,000 years old in Luxor city

"This excavation result helps us to confirm that there are many other graves of the 11th dynasty that exist in the Deraa Abu Naga area , " said the archaeologist of the bull.

AFP also said that five years ago, another tomb dating to the newly discovered Pharaoh tomb was also unearthed at the site itself. The tomb consists of a red coffin, a well-preserved mummy and the bow and arrow present on display at the Luxor Museum (Egypt), the French news agency announced.

Referring to the area of ​​the discovery of Pharaoh's tombs, official Ali al-Asfar Antiquities said: "This place may be a population of burial graves from Egypt's 11th dynasty." , AFP quotes.

However, scientists have also discovered many ceramic tools as well as items from the 17th dynasty buried in the area, Asfar added.

Luxor - the city of the Nile River with 500,000 inhabitants in southern Egypt is a giant outdoor museum with populations of many Pharaoh temples and tombs. Luxor is located in the southern half of the ancient Thebes and has the ruins of a large temple built around 1400 BC during the New Kingdom period. Luxor is also home to many archaeological sites, attracting visitors in Egypt and the world.