Discovery of 10,000-year-old civilization traces on the seabed

Archaeologists discovered the remnant structure of a giant man-made underwater structure, possibly due to an ancient civilization built and contains many mysteries such as the ancient Stonehenge.

Huge 10,000-year-old stone block on the seabed

According to a report published in Science Direct, this structure is 12 meters long, found at a depth of 40 meters, under the Strait of Silicy in the Mediterranean . It cracked in half and had three holes, two holes on both sides and a hole running straight in the middle. The stone blocks were cut from a large rock in the mountain, weighing about 15 tons.

Picture 1 of Discovery of 10,000-year-old civilization traces on the seabed
Huge rock mass under water.(Photo: Journal of Archaeological Science)

Experts at Tel Aviv University (Israel), Institute of Oceanography and Geophysics (Italy) argue that the structure originated from an ancient civilization more than 10,000 years ago and was engulfed in a massive flood .

They determined that the process of cutting, exploiting, transporting and erecting stone blocks requires a high technical level. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually eliminate the concept of ancestors of human species lacking knowledge, skills and technology.

"This finding can provide important information about the first civilizations in the Mediterranean basin and our views on technological advances, the level of development of the people of the era. middle rock " , IB Times quoted the research team yesterday as saying.