Dish-post medication for pregnant women with diabetes

Picture 1 of Dish-post medication for pregnant women with diabetes Pregnant diabetics need to eat less sweet and starchy foods; should eat refreshing complementary foods such as white ear fungus, zucchini . Drink plenty of soup, eat fruit to lessen craving like tangerine, fresh pear, green vegetables .

Normal diabetes is dangerous to health, when pregnant women have diabetes, the level of danger increases many times. It is also possible to have diabetes but all are called 'gestational diabetes'.

Diabetes during pregnancy is mostly in the first half of pregnancy, mainly related to the absorption of glucose and amino acids by the fetus. In addition, the placenta also has an insulin resistance effect, which causes inadequate secretion of insulin. This type of disease seriously affects the health of the mother and the pregnancy process such as ease of miscarriage, hypertension, and fetal birth defects.

Oriental medicine believes that diabetes is a thirsty disease, mainly due to the negative capital of the body, due to inadequate eating, mental life or stress, excessive sexual fatigue.

Diabetes during pregnancy divides two types. One type has typical symptoms such as eating more, drinking more, urinating more, losing weight, decreasing vision, high blood sugar. Another type is asymptomatic, ie hidden diabetes, in a family of people with diabetes or a history of having a large, malformed child.

Principles of eating

- Pregnant diabetics need to eat less sweet and starchy foods; At the time of pregnancy, the majority of the negative body should eat the complementary cooling foods such as white earwood, compounded . Also, due to excessive urination, many water parts must be lost, supplemented with fluid and electrolyte supplements. Prize, should drink plenty of soup, eat fruit to less eager like tangerine, fresh pear, green vegetables .

- Some recipes for pregnant people with diabetes for your reference and application:

Lesson 1: Born 120g medicinal paint, cooked with 1 liter of water, replace tea when warm, drink all, then eat pharmaceutical paint.

Lesson 2: 80g herbal powder, 20g lotus lotus seed, 15g peanut chain, 500g glutinous rice flour, mix and make small round members, cook soup together. These two articles are for diabetics during pregnancy, inadequate eating.

Lesson 3: Grazing maize 50g, 1.5 liters water, 700ml color, divided into two drinks all day, used to treat diabetes during pregnancy and thirst.

Lesson 4: Microchipped bran, cooked porridge, eat twice a day, one bowl at a time, use to treat diabetes when having a negative sound, frustrated person.

Lesson 5: Fresh cleaning root 30g, 50g brown rice, add 1.5 liters water, clean the roots, take 1 liter of water, put rice in, cook porridge. Used to treat diabetes during pregnancy, negative sound, and thirsty mouth.

Lesson 6: Maize 30-60g, 50-200g of meats, cook together, add spices, drink every day, treat diabetes and mouth thirst.

Lesson 7: Bitter melon 150g, remove seeds, intestines, clean, sliced ​​thinly, put peanut oil in a pan to boil, then add bitter melon, fire to stir fry to 10 of 9, add 100g of tofu, a little salt, continue to serve Big fire fried to nine, eat once a day, eat diabetes when pregnant, hungry, eat a lot.

Lesson 8: Sweet potato leaves 50g, zucchini 100g, with the same amount of water to cook enough, eat once a day. Used to treat diabetes during pregnancy, eat more and drink more.

Lesson 9: Fresh onion, 100g, rinse, boil water, add soy sauce to make rice, twice a day, to treat diabetes during pregnancy, eat a lot.

Diabetes during pregnancy is very dangerous, requiring early diagnosis and treatment. Especially in the case of an unspecified disease status, a thorough history of the disease should be carefully asked to help diagnose. The key to treatment is to control eating and drinking to control blood sugar levels that don't increase too much, which can lead to miscarriage and coma due to hyperglycemia. Mild cases may require eating and drinking only. Severe cases require additional medication to cure. Treatment with food is just a supplement, otherwise it will be dangerous for the life of mother and child.