Drugs from spices in the tray of Tet

Vietnamese rice tray for Tet holiday is indispensable with spices like onion, garlic, smell, dill, basil .

Not only can the meal be attractive and delicious, but many spices also treat common diseases like abdominal pain, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, flu . Take some time to buy one more Spices for family!


Picture 1 of Drugs from spices in the tray of Tet

Ginger is an indispensable spice in many Vietnamese dishes, such as ginger braised chicken, ginger braised beef . Especially during Tet holiday, the fish stock pot is indispensable for ginger. Ginger is spicy, hot, has the effect of dispersing welding, warming the body, helping to sweat. The use of ginger is commonly known as indigestion, vomiting, motion sickness, cold, cough, loss of voice .

In addition, some studies show that ginger reduces pain and swelling in arthritis patients, works against migraines through blocking prostaglandin. Ginger and ginger also help balance digestion; improve blood circulation; help the body absorb nutrients more easily; simultaneously treat joint pain, nausea, diabetes, asthma. Even ginger acts as a precious medicine to treat many diseases by antibacterial ability and preventing oxidation.


Picture 2 of Drugs from spices in the tray of Tet

Garlic is a familiar daily spice of Vietnamese people, used a lot in dishes. Besides spice to enhance the flavor of the dishes, eating garlic daily also reduces the risk of heart disease by up to 76%. In addition garlic has the effect of reducing cholesterol levels and acts as an antioxidant. Garlic also contains high levels of vitamin B1, which helps increase the body's resistance. The sulfur compound in garlic helps to prevent the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer.

Scallion (onion)

Almost all dishes in Vietnamese kitchen on weekdays as well as on New Year can be used to stir fry, cook, fry, boil, make rolls . from raw foods such as salads, salads, salads to those cooked dishes . Not only for food processing, according to folk experience, green onions have a lot of effects on health such as in colds, headaches, intestinal obstruction caused by roundworms, onions and cures. sputum .

Many studies also show that green onions help strengthen bones, regulate blood sugar, food friendly heart, anti-inflammatory, enhance vision, increase immune wall, treat flatulence for children, even prevent cancer.


Picture 3 of Drugs from spices in the tray of Tet

Many dishes on Tet holiday are indispensable for onions in spring rolls, salads, pickles, stir-fries . Sulfur active ingredients in the onions have strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Eating onions also reduces blood cholesterol, stabilizes blood pressure, prevents ischemic heart disease. In addition, they are good for people with arthritis and gout. Fructo-oligosaccharides in onions stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, helping to reduce the risk of developing the colon in the colon.


Celery contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. Fiber in vegetables should increase the susceptibility of insulin to lower blood sugar, protect the pancreas, prevent sclerosis, essential oils have antibacterial properties, stimulate digestion. Celery is used to treat hypertension, fat loss, stimulation of the adrenal glands, cooling, diuretic, cholinetic, anti-septic (bleeding), antibacterial, healing wounds, rheumatism, including leprosy ( gout), urinary stones, lung diseases, pharyngitis. Use outside to soak your feet, treat cracks, wash your hair cleanly.

In addition, the characteristic aromatic essential oil of celery is selinene and butyl phthalide. Celery juice in combination with tomato juice has a stimulating and nutritious effect on the body. Celery juice used for daily mouthwash can cure mouth sores, sore throats and hoarseness.


Picture 4 of Drugs from spices in the tray of Tet

Cumin is a good spice used for fish, squid, fish ball, squid . Cumin contains monoterpenes and an enzyme called glutathione-S-transferase. This enzyme neutralizes free radicals that cause cancer. The oils in the vegetables help increase intestinal motility, increase secretion of bile pigments and digestive fluids, anti-flatulence, avoid food poisoning and good for digestion.


Picture 5 of Drugs from spices in the tray of Tet

Perilla is spicy, warm, and perilla leaves work to treat colds, fever, cough, sweating and digestion; perilla branches have an effect of being pregnant; Perilla fruit for coughing, eliminating sputum and asthma. Cakes used as spices are processed into dishes such as cooking with snails, crabs, fish or using fresh perilla leaves 50 grams to get the drink, helping to digest well. , reduce abdominal pain, cure fish poisoning. New Year's Day, a bowl of soup and crab soup with a spread of perilla flavor will help you to avoid eating too much protein.

Laksa leaves

Lettuce has a special aroma, is used as a spice for some dishes of duck eggs, mussel soup, salt and sauerkraut . laksa leaves are medicinal herbs for abdominal pain, flatulence, vomiting, Heatstroke, thirst. The juice of fresh laksa leaves is capable of poisoning snake venom, can be used for external treatment of tar, scabies, worms and numbness.