Earth creatures born in 'alien-like' horror place

Bathed in ultraviolet (UV) rays 10 times more deadly than Earth is today, the small group of creatures continued to survive and evolve for several billion years - they were the primitive ancestors of all species.

Bathed in ultraviolet (UV) rays that are 10 times more deadly than Earth is today, the small group of creatures continued to exist and evolve for several billion years - they were the primitive ancestors of all species.

That is the radiation content that is said to be completely unsuitable for life that many extrasolar planets we know are suffering. But that could be wrong, according to shocking conclusions from research in the journal Royal Society Open Science.

Picture 1 of Earth creatures born in 'alien-like' horror place

The difference between the Earth 2 billion years ago (left) and the Earth today makes it once bathed in harsh "alien-like" conditions

According to Dr. Gregory Cooke from the University of Leeds and colleagues, our Earth used to be like that. Their computer simulations of the early Earth over the past 2.4 billion years reveal that the Earth was once a harsh world, bathed in solar radiation, with 10 times as much UV radiation as it does today. in.

With that level of UV, all modern organisms must die. But it seems that primitive creatures are not. Previous studies revealed that the first life on Earth appeared more than 4 billion years ago, some studies put the number up to 4.3 billion years.

But at least 2-2.4 billion years ago, Earth was still a place like the alien worlds we thought were uninhabitable.

The cause of this deadly UV is an atmosphere with low oxygen content, the early ozone layer is not enough to block harmful UV rays from hitting the ground, according to

According to the team, this could lead to "gravitational consequences" for the evolution of life.

This discovery also opens up a new direction for the hunt for alien life, because relying on the conditions that modern Earth life needs to exist seems too rigorous to judge a planet. Is it possible to live or not?

Update 12 January 2022



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