Earth may be in danger in 2182

Scientists warn a giant meteorite could hit the Earth after 172 years.

Picture 1 of Earth may be in danger in 2182

Illustration of meteorite crashing into the earth.Photo:

Christian Science Monitor reported the asteroid mentioned above named 1999 QR36. By mathematical models, experts from Valladolid University in Spain and the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) calculate that the probability of hitting the earth before its 2200 is 1 / 1,000. The biggest possibility is that it will hit the green planet on September 24, 182.

The meteorite 1999 QR36 was first discovered in 1999. Its largest width is greater than 560 m. If such a meteorite collides with the globe, it will create a hole several kilometers wide and destroy everything in the area with a radius of several hundred meters around. In the worst case, the collision can cause mass extinction for many species.

International scientists calculate that if people want it to not hit the earth, all our efforts must be made at least 100 years before the collision.

Currently 1999 QR36 is behind the sun. We can only observe it in the spring of next year. Meteors take 14 months to move around the sun.

According to Time, the scientific community has outlined many measures to deal with meteorites capable of hitting the earth. If a meteorite is made of ice, humans can use giant mirrors to reflect sunlight onto the meteorite that causes it to melt. Another way is to shoot missiles hit meteors to change their trajectories. It is also possible to launch a spacecraft near a meteorite so that the gravitational force between two objects causes the meteorite trajectory to change.

1999 RQ36 is a member of the Potentially Hazardous Asteroids group due to their orbits near Earth. Previously, scientists had warned an asteroid called Apophis - about 300 meters across - could hit the earth in 2029 or 2036. However, the probability of collision was very small, only about 1 / 250,000.

NASA considered making a nuclear missile to destroy or dramatically alter the asteroid of Apophis.