Effect of gold and silver jewelry

Picture 1 of Effect of gold and silver jewelry Russian newspaper Pravda quoted traditional medical experts as saying that people's health depends on the amount of metal they wear.

People who are often " sunny in the afternoon " or often psychologically disturbed should note that metal jewelry if worn incorrectly and for too long can exacerbate these symptoms.

The general characteristics of metals, usually gold and silver, are able to destroy human information structures. So for effective acupuncture, many acupuncturists have 2 sets of gold and silver needles. Set of gold needles used to prevent surgical site infections. The silver set reduced or localized inflammation in an organ. In case some agencies are too weak to function normally, acupuncturists will use gold needles to stimulate the energy flow of that organ.

The great use of gold explains the reason why humans choose this metal as wedding rings. Gold rings activate the energy flow to the urogenital system. Besides, the doctors said that there are a few healthy women, but infertility is because they wear too many rings. In summary, experts recommend wearing gold jewelry if you are in a state of collapse and jewelry in silver for hot-tempered people.

TM ( Pravda )