Electric yacht

Dr. Martin Mai, nationality of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), designed a boat powered by solar energy, completely free of CO 2 emissions.

Called "yacht" because Dr. Mai hopes her work will bring comfort and relaxation to users. In fact, "yacht" has no hood, only 3.5 meters long, can only carry up to three people. To drive, use a joystick.

Picture 1 of Electric yacht

Dr. Martin Mai's "Yacht" can only carry up to three people.

The characteristic that Dr. Mai is most proud of is that his product completely does not use fossil energy causing CO 2 emissions. He uses 7 solar panels to collect energy for travel. If fully charged, the boat can operate for 12 consecutive hours.

The boat's power source is an electric gas pump, which pushes the boat away by aerating the water. Therefore, noise decreased significantly.

"Yacht" is being sold for $ 16,000.