Emotional disease and life skills on the examination of Literature

The emotionlessness is no longer just a mental state of the human being but also a worrying disease, common in many young people today. The deeper you go into the vortex of modern life, seemingly emotionless becomes an incurable disease.

The cause of this incurable disease originates from the word ' Fear ': Fear of being involved, afraid of getting into the body, fearing the trouble and so on. should be insensitive . They are no longer interested or interested in activities, events in the great, important issues of the community, society, and the country. They create a cave to snuggle into it, and separate themselves from society. Because they simply want to live for themselves , for their own benefits, not to worry about the troubles of others.

Picture 1 of Emotional disease and life skills on the examination of Literature
(Source: Internet)

The second reason leading to this emotionless disease is the emotional excitement of the younger generation when watching action movies or playing games - violent games that make people become irony, cold temper, There is no feeling or thought about things around me.v. You can easily see today when going to the street if unfortunately encountering a robbery, which is really loud and loud, then the people around are just standing there and rarely have a ' street knight ' . ' Stand out to rob and help you. There are also cases of falling vehicles or accidents on the road people see around, they turn their heads to look, they point and they turn away. Even on social networking sites, when there is an unfortunate person who dies, or certain unfortunate events happen, the young people are ready to create fanpage like: 1000000 likes for singers X resurrected, or is 1000000 for A and B coming back together? Can just one click be able to return to death, and just one click can resolve everything, turn bad into good? All for your own sake, for business.

Picture 2 of Emotional disease and life skills on the examination of Literature
Source: Internet

When you do that, you are losing yourself , insensitive to the loss of others and emotionless with everything around you. It is clear that anesthesia has caused great harm to society, with the personality of each person, so it is necessary to overcome this disease immediately. To prevent and eliminate this phenomenon, comprehensive education reform from purpose, method to method is extremely necessary. We need an education that has no longer dogma, dry and heavy doctrines, no longer necessary, but instead are lively lessons, essentially to develop the soul, personality, and dignity of each student. Only then, can anesthesia be minimized at the lowest level.

Let's start right now, don't let this 'pandemic' spread to the whole society, then I'm afraid it's too late, don't let a moment, humans evolve a step. also, then the 'people' completely disappeared in them.