Expert: How does anger make your skin wrinkled?

Sometimes when life is not going as planned, we will have resentment, anger or sadness. It wouldn't be worth mentioning if these feelings were to pass soon. But if it's a daily thing, pay attention, they are the culprits that make your skin wrinkled, aging quickly, even cancer.

Picture 1 of Expert: How does anger make your skin wrinkled?

Anger causes the skin system (including skin, hair, nails .) to become wrinkled, so try to control this type of negative emotion.

Anger makes us look old

Mood affects a youthful appearance 'in 1o years,' says Tibetan doctor Lausanne Jiashen, a specialist in physical and psychological preventive medicine and Group president Lausanne Preventive Medicine, comments.

When the mood is upset, angry, the facial muscles will tense, deliberately lifting the corners of the mouth to force a smile, the eyebrow muscles also shrink. If you often have such a mood, your face will become dark, especially in your eyes, which are known as the windows to the soul, where the emotions you are most clearly show. If the eyes become unsightly and unhappy, the whole face will lose its natural freshness and really make you look older.

Dr. Lausanne points out that in the patients he has examined, those with emotional abnormalities often appear older than their peers. Especially for those who are after 60 years old, usually smile a lot or not, often resentful or always carefree, the aging of the face and the amount of wrinkles are also very different. 

Anger leads to physiological problems

When a person feels resentment, anger, crisis, anxiety, revenge, etc., irritation and tension appear. Mr. Lausanne said that once negative emotions accumulate for a long time, the autonomic nervous system will gradually lose balance, which leads to many physiological problems.

Autonomic nervous system includes sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, widely distributed in various tissues and organs of the human body. Once the autonomic nervous system is out of balance, insomnia, problems with the digestive tract, metabolism, etc. will all appear.

When a person does not sleep well, digestion and absorption will decline, metabolism is poor, the body's ability to recover is also reduced, which will cause muscle loss, poor collagen regeneration and dull skin. This can make people more prone to wrinkles, puffiness, and loss of skin elasticity and moisture.

In addition, emotions such as resentment and anger prompt the sympathetic nervous system to release more 'stress hormone' - cortisol from the adrenal glands. When there is too much cortisol in the body, it will not only inhibit hair growth, but also lead to hair loss, destroy collagen and inhibit the secretion of DHEA hormone precursors in the body. Accelerates the appearance of aging.

Picture 2 of Expert: How does anger make your skin wrinkled?

Resentment, anger cause 'stress hormone' - cortisol secretes a lot, leading to inhibition of hair growth, hair loss, destruction of collagen and inhibition of the secretion of precursor hormone DHEA in the body, for a long time will accelerate the appearance of aging.

The appearance of many wrinkles and skin diseases

Negative emotions show on the surface, manifesting in wrinkles and some skin diseases.

The skin is the organ that covers the entire outer layer of the body. Skin in general includes skin, hair, nails, epidermis, dermis, etc. Skin is also an organ closely related to emotional activities, emotions such as anger, stress, fear can cause skin is red, pale, pale, sweaty and itchy.

A 2020 Italian review found that people with skin manifestations are often associated with psychological problems. For example, emotions such as hatred or disgust are strongly associated with psoriasis. Anger is also associated with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, followed by urticaria, erythema, chronic idiopathic urticaria, acne, and vitiligo.

Reduced life expectancy and cancer

Mr. Lausanne found that patients who hold too much hatred in their hearts often not only look older than their age, but are also more susceptible to cancer. In addition, it is also an agent that shortens the lifespan. 'In preventive medicine, psychology plays a key role, for the body the toxin of the mind is unique, and resentment is a very toxic toxin,' Mr. Lausanne emphasized.

There is an important structure at the end of human DNA - the telomere, which is the 'protective cap' of DNA. Each cell division causes the telomeres to shorten a bit, until the telomeres are too short to contract anymore, the cell dies. Thus, damaging telomeres leads to premature aging. 

A 2012 study in the journal Biological Psychiatry found that people with cynicism and hatred often have significantly shorter telomeres. The relationship between hostility and disease is more pronounced in men than in women.

Smile more positively and you will look younger and more beautiful

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Keep an optimistic, happy, grateful attitude and always think of good things, you will definitely be beautiful from inside to outside.

A study by Dr. Masaru Emoto (Japan) has found that, when we let the water listen to melodious music or other positive content, the water crystals will be in a beautiful state. On the contrary, when letting water listen to music with sad content or negative content, the water crystal will be deformed, in a fragile, ugly, unbalanced, distorted state. 

As we all know water makes up about 70% of the body weight. Imagine if your whole body was covered with water molecules with beautiful shapes and positive messages, how much impact would it have on your mental health and physical appearance?

So try to control and control anger and hatred. Instead of an optimistic, happy, grateful attitude and always thinking of good things, you will definitely be beautiful from the inside to the outside.