Explore the flora and fauna on the map online

The first online mapping tool for the distribution of all living and living species on the planet, 'Map of Life'.

A team of researchers at Yale University and Colorado Boulder University has introduced the first online mapping tool for the distribution of all living and living species on the planet 'Map of Life'. Life Map .

Picture 1 of Explore the flora and fauna on the map online
Map the map online at http://www.mappinglife.org

The trial (http://www.mappinglife.org) allows internet users to search for the number and distribution location of the world's nearly 25,000 terrestrial vertebrates, including animated gifs. mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and freshwater fish in North America. Data warehouses (which would later be expanded) now include hundreds of millions of data on the distribution of rich animal carpets on the planet.

Built on Google Maps, the online map allows users to access multiple levels of information about species in the repository, such as the type of habitat, species specific habitat, etc. Users also You can click on a point on the map to read the list of vertebrate animals that live around the site. The team will continue to add other features to the map to make the search process easier.

Researchers hope the mapping tool will be useful for scientists in plant and animal research, land and animal management, conservation organizations and others interested.

The US National Science Foundation, the Encyclopedia of Life Project, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and a number of other research institutions and organizations contributing to the project.