Extinct dinosaurs make ostriches stop flying

Ostrich becomes a heavy and incapable bird after its dinosaurs, their main enemies, disappear forever from the earth.

Previously many scientists thought that ostrich ancestors could not fly. But some Australian National University biologists think ostrich ancestors used to fly in the sky.

Telegraph said Dr. Matthew Phillips, a biologist at the Australian National University, and his colleagues analyzed the genes of ostrich species that live in Africa, Australia, South America and New Zealand to prove failure. Their guess. Results showed that they lost the ability to fly after dinosaurs became extinct.

Picture 1 of Extinct dinosaurs make ostriches stop flying

When ostrich dinosaur ostriches still have the ability to fly.Photo: AP.

According to the group's argument, when dinosaurs dominated the Earth, they were enemies of many animals. This situation makes ostriches have a compact body to be able to fly easily. The extinction of dinosaurs over 65 million years ago made food plentiful. Due to too much food, the momentum of the body becomes bigger and bigger. The heavyness of the body, coupled with the disappearance of the dinosaurs, made the ostriches prefer to fly. After millions of years, their flight ability eventually disappeared.

The study is published in Systemic Biology magazine.